Microsat engineering  

Course Contents The course covers the engineering of small satellites. The concept and definition of micro-, nano-, pico-, and femto-satellites is introduced along with the past, present, and future of small satellites in general. The course comprises seven to eight lectures, partly from professionals in the space industry. The lectures are intended to familiarise the students with current industry trends and state-of the art research in small satellite engineering. The lectures vary each year and potential lecture topics include communications, AOCS, onboard computer, distributed space systems, miniaturised payloads, small satellite missions and applications, etc. Study Goals The course will enable students to design and engineer small satellite missions. The high-level learning objectives of the course are: The students shall be able to explain key aspects of small satellite missions explain and describe elements in the architecture of a spacecraft mission discuss in detail at least one element in the architecture of a spacecraft mission present and defend their design of an element in the architecture of a spacecraft mission show familiarity with current trends in space industry and small satellite research
Microsat engineering

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